
257 Negotiation & Persuasion Frame-Works

— Improve Your Closing Techniques & Stop Losing Clients

— Proven Effective Frame-Works for Tele-Call Scripts 

— Proven Effective Frame-Works to Retain Clients 

— World Leading Conversation Topics & Technical Solutions Starter & Closing Support Guides even for those without technical knowledge. All you need is to read and use these framing and choice of words

— Simple Yet Highly Effective Frame Works to deal with objections handling 

Financial Products—Financial Literacy

—–Award-winning Case study solution


—–Presentation & Construction Frame-Works 

Bespoke Tele-Call Scripting and Implementation

— get your bespoke script that matches your style to achieve your goals. Connect with your client better & have them easily understood what you want and how they can benefit through you. Proven frameworks that were used by many who shines brightly on stage!!! A convincing script will win half the battle for you!! Get it now!

Accountability Challenge

—Everyone wants their own personal space to be respected and not being trespassed. 

–However, if you are a non-motivated individual and is struggling to find a safe yet motivating accountable partner to work with and achieve your goals. You need to sign up this challenge. 

Career Transformational Blue-Print & Power Up

–Equipped Your Exploration Path with A Compass [ Position & Navigate Your Way to Success], Alarm Clock [Accountability Partner] & Telescope [ Vision Team & Networking Skillsets]

–Proven techniques, skillsets & problem -solving methodology of transforming your dreams to reality in the shortest and quickest timeframe 

–Work Shadowing Program —– book appointments to get opportunity in shadowing opportunities. 

Opportunities: Finance & Banking, Food & Beverage, Travel & Hospitality, Concierge Services, Media & Advertising, Internship, vlogger, Security & logistic. 

Strategic Consultation Call

Strategic Call with Marco Goh – Financial Literacy, Career Transformational Power Up, Be-Spoke Tele-Call Scripting & Joint Field Work